Dhesai's Blog

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Radio waves ’see’ through walls October 12, 2009

Filed under: retail technology — dhesai @ 5:03 am

Radio tomographic imaging (RTI) is different and much less expensive than radar, in which radar or radio signals are bounced off targets and the returning echoes or reflections provide the target’s location and speed. RTI instead measures “shadows” in radio waves created when they pass through a moving person or object.

RTI measures radio signal strengths on numerous paths as the radio waves pass through a person or other target. In that sense, it is quite similar to medical CT (computerized tomographic) scanning, which uses X-rays to make pictures of the human body, and seismic imaging, in which waves from earthquakes or explosions are used to look for oil, minerals and rock structures underground. In each method, measurements of the radio waves, X-rays or seismic waves are made along many different paths through the target, and those measurements are used to construct a computer image.


This new technology will help a lot especially during the hostage taking and for any accidents. Through this, people will be rescued from the tragic they involved. All I can say is that I know it is very helpful and very useful. But still, we should not stop finding and discovering new technology.


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